Use Passphrase Rather Than a Password

To prevent unauthorized physical access to your computing devices, use passphrases, rather than passwords. It is easier to create a long passphrase than a password, because it is generally in the form of a sentence rather than a word. The longer length makes passphrases less vulnerable to dictionary or brute force attacks. Furthermore, a passphrase maybe easier to remember, especially if you are required to change your password frequently. Here are some tips in choosing good passwords or passphrases:

Tips in choosing a good passphrase:

  • Choose a meaningful statement to you

  • Add special characters, such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

  • The longer the better

  • Avoid common or famous statements, for example, lyrics from a popular song

Recently, United States National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) published improved password requirements. NIST standards are intended for government application but can also serve as a standard for others as well. The new guidelines aim to provide better user experience and put the burden of user verification on the providers.

Summary of the new guidelines:

  • 8 characters minimum in length, but no more than 64 characters

  • No common, easily guessed passwords, such as password, abc123

  • No composition rules, such as having to include lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers

  • Improve typing accuracy by allowing the user to see the password while typing

  • All printing characters and spaces are allowed

  • No password hints

  • No periodical or arbitrary password expiration

  • No knowledge-based authentication, such as information from shared secret questions, marketing data, transaction history

Click here to learn more about the improved NIST password requirement.

Even with access to your computers and network devices secured, it is also important to protect and preserve your data.

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