
Phishing is when a malicious party sends a fraudulent email disguised as being from a legitimate, trusted source. The message intent is to trick the recipient into installing malware on their device, or into sharing personal or financial information. An example of phishing is an email forged to look like it was sent by a retail store asking the user to click a link to claim a prize. The link may go to a fake site asking for personal information, or it may install a virus.

Spear phishing is a highly targeted phishing attack. While phishing and spear phishing both use emails to reach the victims, spear phishing emails are customized to a specific person. The attacker researches the target’s interests before sending the email. For example, an attacker learns the target is interested in cars, and has been looking to buy a specific model of car. The attacker joins the same car discussion forum where the target is a member, forges a car sale offering and sends email to the target. The email contains a link for pictures of the car. When the target clicks on the link, malware is installed on the target’s computer.

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